Values and Ethos

Crossacres Statement of Values and Ethos

Crossacres values and ethos is illustrated through the implementation of our innovative curriculum, especially designed to meet the needs of our children.

Children at Crossacres are taught the essential knowledge that they need for their future.  It introduces pupils to the best that has been thought and said, it promotes an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.  Crossacres uses the National Curriculum as a basis to develop exciting and stimulating lessons to promote the development of pupil’s knowledge, understanding and skills.

The children’s experiences extend beyond the National Curriculum and pupils are taught about social, moral, spiritual and cultural aspects of life. It is also enhanced by the provision of forest schools, music lessons and visits to the surrounding area to give pupils first-hand experience to develop their knowledge and skills further.

Our school is based in Wythenshawe, this is a challenging area, our curriculum powerfully addresses social disadvantage by ensuring that the curriculum meets the particular needs of the children.  The curriculum includes learning about healthy eating, the importance of exercise, staying safe, and mental wellbeing.

Each National Curriculum subject is planned out for each year group, identifying skills and knowledge to be taught each term.  These plans are available on our website.

The following words sum up our approach to our curriculum:


challenge is something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination. We want our children to be challenged and develop the skills that enable them to be successful.


Progress is the process of gradually improving or getting nearer to achieving something. We want our children to make great progress during their time at school.


Aspire is to want something very much or hope to achieve something or be successful.  We want our children to aspire to be successful and fulfil their dreams.