Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is the money a school receives when a child claims free school meals. The money is to be spent by the school to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers. Each school can decide how to spend the money but has to be able to demonstrate the spending is having an impact on closing the gap.

At Crossacres we aim to spend this extra funding in a way to close the gap between children who are not eligible for Pupil Premium Funding and the children that are eligible for Pupil Premium Funding. We use data to identify areas where extra support may be needed and then measure again to ensure our strategies are having an impact. We measure the progress of our PP children against our non PP children and against others nationally to ensure we continue to close the gap.

There is also some information linked to our budget from last year and the impact of some of the strategies at the end of this document. We use this assessment data to plan our next budget for the following academic year. To see how we will spend the money this year, please click on the link below. We use the Education Endowment Foundation research when planning on how and what we will spend the money on. For more information on this, follow this link;


What barriers to achieving do our Pupil Premium children face?

  • At Crossacres Primary the children start below the national average. We tackle this in the Early Years, identifying children early for interventions. Furthermore, we offer full time Nursery places and fund this.
  • Crossacres Primary is situated in Wythenshawe. The school is in the top 20% of deprived areas. We endeavor to help the parents of the children by supporting them with training and resources. We try to tackle the material deprivation of our setting through providing free study guides for children at home.
  • Some children also need support with their social and emotional skills and we enable the children to develop these skills through different interventions. For example the ‘Pony Club’ targets children who need to develop their social skills and confidence. Please click the link below to see how we spend the money and the impact it has:


Pupil Premium Reviewed Sep 2023





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